Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Cyclocross Part 2 UPDATE!

MOA and the Albino Sasquatch took advantage of a fine Saturday afternoon to punish ourselves with a visit to Brecktobercross 05. While not necessarily a UCI legal course, it's challenges include a solid elevation gain and a brisk headwind on the paved section of the course. MOA pulled of a respectable 13th place in the 4s and avoided adding to the scar collection on his shins. All without a respectable warmup due to the standard Sasquatch time deviation of 15-30 minutes. Your narrator won a case of beer in the 3s. A celebratory Paulaner and bratwurst topped off the day as Brecktoberfest had main steet all closed off.

Rallying the troops for the proposed Sunday cyclocross ride proved difficult as several bIKE cLUB members were on reconnaisaince missions to varying points of the map. Cheeso reported in from the Detroit airport en route to Vermont with some sort of new technology called a "cellular phone" while reports of Pete K hanging out with hot Italian chicks have been verified.

Dash, the Crossbowmaker, the Velvet Hammer and the Albino Sasquatch ventured out on cyclocross rigs up Fourmile canyon to the town of Sunset and rode the Switzerland trail to Sugarloaf and a fast descent to a hot lap of Betasso. The only other two bikes seen on this loop were also cross bikes, so the message must have been intercepted by rival cycling groups.

Next weekend beckons with the Snow Mountain Ranch mud pit. However, prior to that, September 22 2005 is the autumnal equinox. Perhaps we should celebrate the change of seasons with a traditional harvest meal. Juanita's? Exactly! Wednesday. Sevenish. Going to have to postpone this. Season premiere of "Lost" is on tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in for Juanita's but will show up late as I'm hitting the BOA bash at Fool Cycle at 7. Once I'm done mingling and paying dues I'll roll down to Juanita's, also I need a place to stay Wed night as the Coven will be running rampant at the Chalet...any couches available?
