Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Rider 'O the Year! You know you want it!


  1. 1. Appears to be some sort of mountain bike ride.
    2. Continental divide trail…with a mountain bike.
    3. Parking lot...Snowmass…No keys for the Thule box. Matt’s fault.
    4. Again, a mountain bike ride. I’d recognize Dave Dolph’s ass anywhere.
    5. Some sort of Holiday. Dan Sturgis hitting on Matt’s grandmother. Some poor random girl faking being comfortable with Pete touching her.
    6. Not sure, but it might be a mountain bike ride. Buffalo Creek area?
    7. Mountain bike ride? Sunshine. Brad’s fat phase.
    8. Probably some sort of mountain bike event. Lucky for MOA, the moment that turned Rose straight for good.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. #1 - boulder creek path - MOA and rose ran into brad after no one had seen him in ages!
    #2 - Silver City NM - Continental Divide trail
    #3 - Sean's correct - No keys to the box in Snowmass b4 the Ash wedding. And yes, it was Matt's fault...
    #4 - Dave Dolph, but not sure where he's at
    #5 - Thanksgiving at Penny's house in Chautauqua - with Pete's ex-girlfriend ("tornado")
    #6 - Rose's ex-bike - the Dean on Magnolia.
    #7 - riding up 97 road in Ned?
    #8 - Rose and Dub making out at the campfire in Fruita. For bonus points, this was while the boyz were out doing there little boy nudey bike ride....interesting!

  4. #4 is Double D on the Zion Curtain baby!
    #7 is Highroller, for some bizarro Whacky Wednesday reason, waiting for B-rad on Logan mill, en route to Santa Cruz
