Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Freeze dried on Tickler 5

Sole moment of warmth during the 5 hours of Tickler 5, Gold Hill Merc. Yes, I'll take a latte and a piece of quiche please. Real men do eat quiche!

Was there snow? Of course not we would never make that mistake agai...oh. Yeah ok there was snow, making Aspen Tr about half unrideable. It was here that our fingers froze solid, not to return until after about 15 minutes was spent in front of the wood stove at Gold Hill

Sunny and beautiful all day but that menacing front sitting there on the Divide was blasting us in the face, In Your Face!, for the entire climb (3 hours). Freezing!

Almost ground to a standstill on Gold Hill Rd with jet stream right in the kisser before we could finally turn for home. Legs=worked

Thanks for leading the charge Dash! Consider yourself hardened up right proper, as if there was any doubt.

Can you say "Tickler 6!"