Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Check out my hickey

Whew! What week! Yesterday I finally took the plunge and treated myself to LASIK surgery, custom Allegretto/Intralase laser surgery to both eyes! It's a miracle! No more contacts! No more glasses! Thanks to InSight LASIK and my Tough Girl Cycling sponsorship! Here's a look at my eye today, with a little blood shot hickey from the suction cup they had on my eye to hold it in place while the laser cut a flap in my cornea. Then Kdub drove me home and tucked me in to bed with my goovy protection goggles. I'll still need a couple days to heal, but things are looking great so far. Which is especially good, since last Friday was my last day of employment with Sopris West. That's right, I unexpectedly lost my MarComm job. But, you'll agree, with summer here there couldn't be a better time for tremendous change in life! I intend to be out riding, hiking, running, and sitting by my pool on a regular basis now---please join me! And think of me if you know of anyone that needs a hand with graphic design. It's summer! Let's get after it!


  1. Nice goggles! Can I borrow them for our trip to Hawaii?

  2. Those goggles hopefully explain the gawdawful sheet/pillow ensemble... Get well soon!
