Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ti, Ti, Ti...and "The Bus" GT cross bike

Just cuz you make ridiculously sweet ti frames doesn't nescessarily mean you can afford least not with two mortgages. And yet the training has begun nonetheless, only 8 months until cross season! Highroller has gotten in at least 28 miles of training so far in 08 so prepare to get your ass handed to you on a platter when next we meet! Casual lunch ride today from the Moots factory and I only bonked twice!


  1. Are those fenders?

    I would have thought that living and riding in the mountains would have toughened everyone up.

    I can't wait to see the Moots brand Gore tex riding skirt.


  2. Oh they're plenty tough up here. Contrary to what you may have read letting the missed popcorn from the massive bowl sitting on your stomache settle into the couch crevices like silt doesn't make you tough, just a slob. This ride included Cat 2 Corey and Glen who finished in the top 10 at Cross Nats in the Singlespeed division...oh and me. Ouch.

  3. Don't make me pull this blog over cuz I'll do it! Behave you two or there will be no pudding pops Sean.
