Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Hey, how YOU doin'?

So much to be thankful for this year, not the least of which is the relative dearth of Jello shots 'round the Love Shack over Thanksgiving. Did get down with some vicious card games though...rockin'! Thanks to the multitudes that pitched in big time over the last 11 months to help Chainsaw and Highroller thru all the myriad hurdles, challenges, and unexpected twists and turns involved in bringing the Big Fish into the world...what a long strange trip its been! Expect the Alfords back in the hizzouse in 08!


  1. Well, well and well. Indeed good friend. So very much to be thankful for. I can't believe little Trout in the photo, (he's the one on the right, right?)
