Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Kackalaka Debriefing

At last, details from the Breeder Cell Reconnaissance Mission in North Kackalaka, damage was minimal, psychological scarring was merciless and catastrophic harm to the organization was avoided – barely! And at this point we are still uncertain and are awaiting reports from Uber-Ancestors on high. In order to accomplish my mission I was forced to drink vodka in my shower, barf in a Petridge Farm cookie bag without mishap with Shannon cheering me on as she sped through traffic to our safe haven (sadly no not due to a hangover), and endure Dave spitting two tiny fragments of chew (Copenhagen) into my eye (how?). Jesus that burns! I am investigating it as a move to cover up planting a micro chip in my common sense. Kent plunked me in a mini van laden with his aunt and uncle, their daughter and husband, and two children under the age of 4, who took me directly to Krystal and forced me to eat a Krystal burger! The torture! Cheap white castle burger – mystery flesh for sure! J+M, members of the Boulder Ladies Tropical Fish-Fanciers League, would not be wedged on the same side of the reception hall as me. Yes 5 years after “the incident”. I think they were clued-up of my mission. We must have a mole! Kent managed to shed a few tears during the vows, which spread like wildfire! Dan, the pilot who met bIKE cLUB in the Aspen conference last year, led us on a 5 hour trudge deep into the boondocks. Fearing my life at anytime from Dan’s skittering hiking poles, we marched straight up, literally, for 1 hour, at times using climbing moves to get to the top. Finally, after a “weather delay” in Atlanta, I landed at the Kitty Ranch, ready for some r and r. Mission Accomplished.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm, Pepperidge Farms...remembahs! Nice work Dub, now recode your decipher ring to Orange 9 for your next assignment.
