Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Growler grumblin'


Are your ready to rumble at the Growler ?  Gunnison, May 30, 32 or 64 singlespeedable miles of sagebrushy sweetness!  Come on!  When was the last time you rode in Gunny?  Los Alfords will Vaya Grande or Regrese Su Casa!!

Nice to see y'all and chew the fat at the Southern Sun but let's not forget our core strengths and go wandering off into uncharted waters.  Sure, we are apparently a very fertile bunch, but you can't just go off on a tangent and hope to build a meaningful life around just having kids, working and getting married, right?  Right!  There must be riding, and pain, and drinking to ease the pain and enable more riding!

"Dr. Kim say thank you, nice deliver your fat round-eye baby.  Five minutes!  Me leave now, you get bill in mail, you pay chop chop hai!"

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