Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap!

Friday, April 03, 2009

Where do all these cable things go again?

Well the Uber Ancestors on High with their dastardly Weather-Manipulatrix device seems determined to block my foray into the uncharted territory of Vernal this week-end, and this despite my insistent entreaties and ham-fisted last minute wrenching that has transformed piles of expensive odds and ends into something, at least superficially, resembling a mountain bike which is apppropriate as what I will eventually do on said machine only superficially resembles mountain biking, much like this sequential arrangement of words and punctuation marks resembles writing but is in fact something much more insidious, exasperating, confusing and when all is said and done, as a sidebar I'm no where near saying and doing all so you better settle in with a warm blankie, un-illuminating and headache-inducing in many, though some, wiser perhaps then their years would indicate, skip right to the end for the summary. Vernal, UT, Apr 3-4-5, NOT GOING so you can stop crafting your weak excuses and feeble rationalizations...Out. M

1 comment:

  1. Please tell me you have help, working on that bike. One of the mechanics, Trout, anyone.
