Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Partyapalooza is right around the corner!!

Das Alfords have returned from two weeks in the humidity of a MA summer and we are ready to ride. Highroller managed to break his wristwatch yet again(that makes it something like Highroller 23 wristwatches 0) AND leave the camera (with all vacation pix) on the car roof for the drive to Steamboat...doh! So that's like $500 down the tubes. Oh yeah, Trout busted my sunglasses. Make it $508. On the up side TS Alford learned to crawl like a muthatrucker, took to swimming like a seal and can feed himself cheesy poofs, Rose got to stuff herself silly with tasty sushi on her birthday (plus a massage!) and we ate a lot, and I mean a LOT of ice cream. Fortunately hired drones and sycophants have toiled ceaselessly on Partyapalooza prep during our absence and I'm confident all is in order and ready to rock and roll. In fact just as soon as I track down Drone 4 and get an update I'm sure we'll be ready to go. Aug 1-2-3 bring your bike, bring your swimsuit, leave your dignity at there!

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