Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap!

Friday, May 19, 2006

It's not often Cyclonauts that one actually, consciously risks one's life. Well sure there's the Tickler, and the Rusty Nail, Partyapalooza and every hut trip, night ride and 'quick spin up Sunshine' we've ever done but I mean risking your life for work, to make a buck and pay the rent. Well yesterday I journeyed to this haunted 100' h grain elevator near Chicago to evaluate for a potential climbing gym. Built in 1910 the building is basically a big pit where farmers would dump their corn thru huge iron louvers into a basement where it would get scooped up in buckets that travel thru large hollow columns 100' up to the attic. From there it's dropped into a hopper and distributed to each of the 21 grain shafts, each from 45'-100' deep. Even in 1910 OSHA must have shit its pants, today stepping foot into this building is akin to drag racing down Flagstaff on one of those ancient wheeled farm implements you see mouldering in abandoned fields. Freddy Krueger wouldn't venture here...Fun! Well up we go!

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